Peak 4 Poverty would like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Father's Day!! As you spend quality time with your father this weekend and spoil him with amazing gifts, please remember those children who don't have a father to hug like Mohammed Said.
Mohamed Said, 22, has lost his entire family to AIDS. His story is one of many devastating losses over the course of his childhood years. When he was very young Mohamed lost his birth mother to AIDS. His father remarried but his second, and then third wife were also infected with the AIDS virus and also passed away. When Mohammed needed to receive a blood transfusion due to a life threatening medical situation, Mohamed’s father donated blood to save his life. Without advanced medical technology to screen the blood, the HIV virus was unknowingly transmitted to his son. Mohammad’s father has since passed away from AIDS and his guardianship was taken over by his grandparents.
Currently, Mohammed is striving hard to earn his Bachelor Degree in Teaching at Eckenford Teachers College in Tanga. During the week days, he spends his day studying hard in college while at night he sleeps on the floor at a friend’s place. He is attempting to conserve transportation cost and travel time between the location of his school and his grandparents’ house. Ever since entering the Peak 4 Poverty program Mohammed has excelled at his studies and is eager to earn his teaching degree. Peak 4 Poverty is very proud of this young man and his accomplishments as he will become one of our first scholarship recipients to earn his college degree next year! Way to go Mohamed!
Above story was in our latest newsletter. Click here to view the newsletter.
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