Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 1 : Soaked in the rainforest

Today was a good day. Started the hike at around 1pm (4 am cst) and walked through the machame rainforest. It pretty much rained the whole entire time - thanks to the ponchos to keep us partially dry. The forest was very scenic and we encountered some steep section.

We arrived at machame camp at around 5.30pm. We are currently at 3000 m - (the peak is at 5900m). The altitude is not an issue although it is cold.

Got a good view of the peak when the clouds cleared up as seen in the picture(its taking too long to upload the images.. Will try and repost pics). Surprisingly, there is quite a bit of snow.

Off to shira camp tomorrow. We better head for the tent - tea will delivered at our tent at 6.30am.

More tomorrow...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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